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Risultati e impatti

Il risultato principale sarà l’identificazione e la riduzione del discorso d’odio online e la previsione di potenziali crimini d’odio.

PHARM potrà essere a beneficio di ~ 500.000 persone nelle condizioni di rifugiati, ~ 1.300 giornalisti, 750 cittadini, 7 associazioni giornalistiche, migranti generici, futuri richiedenti asilo e il pubblico più ampio che indirettamente riceverò benefici dalle strategie di contrasto messe in atto dal progetto.

Il risultato principale sarà l’identificazione e la riduzione dell’online hate speech e la possibile previsione di potenziali crimini d’odio.

WP2. Monitoring and detecting hate speech 

WP Leader. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

D2.1 Set of scripts of algorithms
D2.2 Interface for hate speech detection 
D2.3 Guide of use of the interface

D2.6 Public  repository  of hate  speech  data and meta data

WP3. Modeling hate speech and hate crime

WP Leader. University of Salamanca
D3.2 Dataset of scripts with algorithms to predict hate crimes
D3.4 Public  dataset of  hate  crimes in  Spain,  Greece  and Italy

WP4. Understanding and preventing chilling effects of hate speech over journalists

WP Leader. University of Milan

WP5. Developing large-scale fictional counter-narratives

WP Leader. University of Salamanca


  • Igartua J.J, González-Vázquez, A. & Arcila-Calderón, C. (2023) The Effect of Similarity to a Transitional Role Model of an Entertainment–Education Narrative Designed to Improve Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Evidence from Three European Countries, Media Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/15213269.2023.2235574
  • Arcila-Calderón, C., Sánchez-Holgado, P., Quintana-Moreno, C., Amores, J., & Blanco-Herrero, D. (2022). Hate speech and social acceptance of migrants in Europe: Analysis of tweets with geolocation. Comunicar, 71, 21-35.
  • Arcila, C., Blanco, D. & Valdez, B. (2020). Rejection and hate speech on Twitter: Content analysis of tweets about migrants and refugees in Spanish. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), 172.
  • Arcila, C., Blanco, D., Frías, M. & Seoane, F. (2021). Refugees Welcome? Online Hate Speech and Sentiments in Twitter in Spain during the reception of the boat Aquarius. Sustainability, 13(5), 2728.
  • Arcila, C., Blanco, D., Matsiola, M., Oller, M., Saridou, T., Splendore, S. & Veglis, A. (2022). Framing Migration in Southern European Media: Perceptions of Spanish, Italian, and Greek Specialized Journalists. Journalism Practice, X. [First published online on 16 Dec 2021]
  • Diego Garusi, Martin Oller Alonso, Sergio Splendore, (2022). Oggettivamente di parte. Il giornalismo sull’immigrazione come istituzione discorsiva, in “Problemi dell’informazione, Rivista quadrimestrale” 1/2022, pp. 63-91, doi: 10.1445/103468
  • Igartua, J., Arcila, C., González, A. (2022, pending of acceptance). The Effect of Similarity to a Transitional Role Model of an Entertainment–Education Narrative Designed to Improve Attitudes toward Immigrants: Evidence from Three European Countries.
  • Oller, M., Blanco, D., Splendore, S. & Arcila, C. (2021). Migración y medios de comunicación. Perspectiva de los periodistas especializados en España. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 27(1).
  • Vrysis, L.; Vryzas, N.; Kotsakis, R.; Saridou, T.; Matsiola, M.; Veglis, A.; Arcila-Calderón, C.; Dimoulas, C. (2021). A Web Interface for Analyzing Hate Speech. Future Internet, 13(3), 80.